Live Strong, Pain-Free, and Fit for Everyday Life.

No non-sense nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle support for men who want to look good naked, be strong, and have more time and energy for doing the things they love with those that matter most.

The Three Pillars of Revitalization

  • healthy eating and nutrition


    Learn to fuel your body correctly while keeping things straight forward and seriously delicious!

  • men's health and fitness


    Develop your movement and exercise routine for building strength, improving mobility, releasing pain and maximizing health-span.

  • health coaching and accountability


    Providing multiple levels of ongoing accountability to celebrate wins, measure progress, and elevate you to a higher standard of personal excellence.

Client Success Story

J.P. Came to us struggling with chronic back pain, fatigue, and an auto-immune diagnosis that was leading to progressive degradation and fusion of his lower spine.

He was constantly tired, unable to workout, and simply trying to keep his business and life moving forward.

Within 12 weeks of being on our program he had made a complete 180.

He was able to exercise again and did so multiple times per week. His mood was elevated and stable, and his energy had more than doubled!

Whereas previously if he had a flare up he would have been bedridden for 24-48 hrs, now, he was aware of what to avoid to prevent flare ups, and if he was exposed to something by accident, he was able to bounce back within 3-4 hrs.

This was HUGE for him and allowed him to show up for his wife and his business like he had always wanted to!

Real guys achieving real results and you’re up next!

Christopher A. - Artist and Coach

“I am feeling fantastic! Truly. I feel like I’ve turned a corner with the stuff that was going on in my body and I’m feeling really really good on all fronts.”

Robert B. - Real Estate Professional

“I’ve been in our lake swimming more in the last 3 weeks than I have in the last 20 years and it feels great! Even better, I’m already down 12 lbs and just dropped below 200 on the scale for the first time in years!”

In-home or online, we’ve got everything needed to ensure your success!

We’ve got you covered with real-time support and accountability at every step along the way so you’re never alone. Local clients also enjoy priority access to in-person training, integrative bodywork, kitchen clean outs, food demos and more.

Reclaim Vitality and Support Your Natural Hormone Function

Download your FREE "Testosterone Supporting Meals" eGuide to enjoy 20+ delicious and simple recipes to fuel your results!

Specialties Include

  • holistic nutrtition for men

    Holistic Nutrition for Fat Loss & Muscle Gain

  • men's fitness coaching

    Sustainable Fitness & Movement Coaching

  • Mental emotional health for men

    Mental-Emotional Clearing

  • transformational body mind soul retreat experiences

    Transformational Retreats & Experiences

Meet our team

When you’re ready, click the button below and claim your complimentary 30 minute call.

What Clients Say